Our Laws and our Courts  
The Star Chamber and Courts

Definition: Justice is the right to a fair hearing. This simply means that the courts provide justice when they listen to each party and allow each party to present their case. It does not mean that the law will be properly applied to the facts of the case - what most people wrongly assume justice means.  The Star Chamber and How courts really work. Tribunals are much like a star chamber where most of the procedures are relaxed. Application of the evidence Act is optional, at the discretion of the chair person, which means malice and hearsay will be listened to How Tribunals Work.  Is Fascism the conclusion of democracy?

Understanding Law
is about Applying the law to the facts. Understanding law requires knowledge of the legal definitions and the implementation of a process which tests whether the logical conditions have been met. When reading law the logical operands AND and OR are very important. Learn how this is done. 

Respect is absolutely essential for Economic prosperity and personal happiness. People have things: property, their body, their feelings, their thoughts and ideas - Respecting people means that the things people have are not harmed or stolen. Why respect is so important.   

The Good of the Community. People should be going about their business in such a way that they benefit others and do not cause others harm or distress. Because there is a need to Police many aspects of individual behaviour Acts are passed which create or recruit small bureaucracies where there are officers with powers seen as necessary to implement the Act. Learn more about The Good of the Community and how it creates victims and hatred in the community. What happens when powerful little peer groups are created to administer laws. The Stanford Prison Experiment is created again and again.

Police have the duty to maintain order and implement the laws over people. Be warned! The perpetrator who first makes a complaint is the one who gets the Police onside and gets their help. The victim who then makes a complaint to Police will never get their complaint investigated.

Examples of where there is a conflict between respect and the good of the community and how the legislation has solved this conflict. Should the individual have less rights for the good of the many?

The Animal care and Protection Act
Some people like having dogs and feel protected by them when they bark at strangers.
vs The barking of dogs can be disturbing and even threatening to others. 

The respect philosophy would defend a person's right to have these dogs provided they do not do harm to others and would seek compensation from the owners if harm is done to others. The community would have to tolerate the annoyance.

The Good of the Community Philosophy would take the dogs from the owner. Any dog which is considered annoying or threatening to others would be removed to increase community peace. This will require the creation of a bureaucracy or the creation of Officers to police and enforce the legislation. RSPCA Officers are delegated that power. Learn how the Legislation resolves this conflict.  

  The Mental Health Act  Read the stories of abuse  
The Mental Health Act is designed to prevent crimes. Psychiatrists have been recruited to detect people who have the potential to commit crime and then to treat them. They have the power to imprison, they call it hospitalise, and to Control and Torture, they call it treat, the potential perpetrator. 

People can become distressed and enraged by things that happen to them. Domestic disputes occur where the father loses his children and/or his wife and become stressed and enraged by this. Under these circumstances some fathers have been known to harm their ex and her children. Victims of crime can seek revenge against the perpetrator. Pedophiles create such rage against them that fathers may seek revenge and punish or kill them. Rapists may be bashed and even murdered. 

In family disputes such as battles over an inheritance one member can be so determined that they are important, ("was their father's favourite daughter ....") and have such a sense of entitlement that they believe they should get everything. This psychopath then sets about bullying, threatening, stealing and recruiting others to her cause with malicious stories against her opposition that her opposition becomes hyper vigilant. After so many attacks there is the expectation of another attack and a knowledge that they need to be able to defend themselves. Thus defence can become attack and the psychopath may themselves get hurt in response to the hurt that have done. The psychopath needs to be able to defend themselves and thus have the Mental Health Act available to them to get their opposition imprisoned and tortured with drugs.

The Mental Health Act, the Guardianship and Administration Act and the Domestic Violence Act are also available to be used as weapons in the psychopaths cause to increase their control and their damage to their opposition. The psychopath uses the available law to take control so they can take the loot. Learn how the Mental Health Act solves these problems.

Guardianship and Administration Act 
In law an adult is two entities - there is the person and there is their legal entity. The person has personal liberties and the legal entity owns property and has assets and liabilities. 

When a guardian is appointed a person loses control of themselves, they lose their personal liberties. They cannot determine where they live (ie can be put into a nursing home against their will). They cannot choose their doctor (a doctor is chosen for them and they can be forcibly medicated). They cannot choose who they will visit, what they will do, etc. They lose their right to make decisions over their person, to decide for themselves.

When an administrator is appointed they lose ownership and thus control of all their assets. The Administrator becomes the owner and they become the beneficiary of a trust that is effectively established by the appointment of the administrator.

Domestic Violence Act